YOGI TEA Sweet Chai is a tea to fall in love with, with its natural sweetness of herbs and spices such as anise, fennel, cloves or cardamom. Once our grip on the ground is lost, sweetness is especially significant as it represents the element of earth. Refined with black pepper and ginger, the tea takes on a light, pleasant Schärfe. The subtle message of this tea is to "put down roots."
Thriving in Asia and southeast of the Mediterranean, this annual plant whose sweet-tasting fruit has been revered by humans for thousands of years. In the past, anise was sacrificed to the gods, but today it can be found in kitchens, Christmas bakeries, and as a delicious spice in many YOGI TEA®s.
Fennel belongs to the Familieu of umbelliferae and has been popular around the Gl obus for thousands of years because of its intense aroma. It originates from the Mediterranean region and its sweet and spicy taste is reminiscent of aniseed.
Licorice, the defining ingredient of licorice, has been known since ancient times. It has about 50 times the sweetening power of sugar and tastes mildly sweet and bitter-tart.
Cardamom has been one of the most popular spices throughout Asia and Arabia for thousands of years. Its delicate, sweet-hot aroma predestines cardamom for use in numerous dishes - from spicy curries to spicy Christmas cookies.
Also known as the "king of spices," black pepper is the most important spice in the world today, along with salt. It originates from the Malabar coast of India and tastes intensely spicy as well as slightly hot to hot.
Cinnamon was one of the most expensive spices in the world and is said to have been used as a spice in China as early as 3,000 years BC. Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of the South Asian cinnamon tree, tastes aromatic-sweetish and contains valuable essential oils.
Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the tea bag and steep for about 7 minutes (longer for a stronger taste). Sweeten to taste and add milk (milk substitute).