Yogi Tea Rooibos (17 bags)

Yogi Tea Rooibos (17 bags)
Product: ID229

Yogi Tea Rooibos (17 bags)

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Yogi Tea Buy Rooibos (17 bags)

Warm, sunny rooibos tea is full of African folklore and Farbiness. The delicious spice addition of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and a little black pepper make its mild, earthy aroma dance. Kar ob and vanilla round out the flavor. A tea as friendly as the earth. The subtle message of this tea is "the earth is friendly".


To this day, rooibos, also known as redbush, from the Familieu of legumes, is grown exclusively in the cedar mountains of South Africa. The plants, which grow up to two meters high, are harvested only once a year. Their leaves are used to make rooibos tea, the mildly fruity and slightly sweet-tasting national drink of South Africa.


Cloves are the flower buds of the clove tree and are known in our latitudes primarily as a spice in both sweet and savory dishes. They belong to the myrtle family and have an intensely spicy aroma, for which they were even weighed up with gold in the old China as well as in Egypt.


Cardamom has been one of the most popular spices throughout Asia and Arabia for thousands of years. Its delicate, sweet and pungent aroma predestines cardamom for use in numerous dishes - from spicy curries to spicy Christmas cookies.


Cinnamon was one of the most expensive spices in the world and is said to have been used as a spice in China as early as 3,000 years BC. Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of the South Asian cinnamon tree, tastes aromatic-sweet and contains valuable essential oils.


Whether in Christmas cookies, curry mixes or lemonade, bulbous ginger is one of the world's best-known spice plants. It has been cultivated for thousands of years in the tropical heat of eastern Asia and gives many of our YOGI TEA®s a fruity, pungent, aromatically spicy flavor.

Kar ob

Native to the Mediterranean region and Asia, carob is a plant from the Familieu of legumes. The long, brown fruits of the carob tree, which grows up to 18 meters high, have a sweet taste and bear seeds that weigh exactly 0.197 grams each. Due to this peculiarity of nature, carob seeds became the unit of measurement for diamonds in ancient times.


Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the tea bag and steep for about 7 minutes (longer for a stronger taste). Sweeten to taste and add milk (milk substitute).


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