At times we lose touch with our own soul. Fine plant messages remind us of the serene inner calmness that lies at the bottom of our soul. We drink a delicious tea that tastes like a happy summer day, inspired by spicy, subtle yet fruity ingredients such as hops, orange peel or cardamom - and see the sun behind the clouds again. The subtle message of this tea is, "Everything comes in its proper time."
Cinnamon was among the most expensive spices in the world and is said to have been used as a spice in China as early as 3,000 years BC. Cinnamon is extracted from the bark of the South Asian cinnamon tree, tastes aromatically sweet and contains valuable essential oils.
Fennel belongs to the Familieu of umbelliferae and has been popular around the Gl obus for thousands of years because of its intense aroma. It originates from the Mediterranean region and its sweet and spicy taste is reminiscent of aniseed.
Licorice, the defining ingredient of licorice, has been known since ancient times. It has about 50 times the sweetening power of sugar and tastes mildly sweet and bitter-tart.
Cardamom has been one of the most popular spices throughout Asia and Arabia for thousands of years. Its subtle, sweet-hot aroma predestines cardamom for use in numerous dishes - from spicy curries to spicy Christmas cookies.
The orange is the most widely cultivated citrus fruit in the world. It originated in Asia and was not introduced to Europe until the 15th century. Its peel contains numerous essential oils, tastes similarly fruity to its flesh, but is slightly less sweet and slightly bitter.
The hop is a climbing plant that grows up to 10 m high and grows wild mainly on forest edges, clearings and bushes. Its green-yellow cones are ready for harvesting at the end of August, they taste slightly bitter and fine-tart.
Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the tea bag and let it steep for about 5-6 minutes (longer for a stronger taste).