Because of its sublime quality, white tea was reserved in China emperor and high nobility. Mild bouquet and a unique scent of jasmine - a majestic pleasure. White tea owes its name to the white, silky fluff that encloses the young tea buds and is a tea that is only two percent fermented. This fermentation occurs naturally during the withering process. The highest quality variety "Yin Zhen" (silver needle) is one of the most sought after and accordingly most expensive white teas, for which only particularly young and aromatic shoots of the large white tea bush are picked. The harvest takes place only on two or three days a year when the climatic conditions are perfect. It must not rain or be windy. This would damage the sensitive tea. S obhen, a few weeks later, the flowers of the jasmine bush are available, they are carefully mixed by hand into the tea to "flavor" it. A few days later, the flowers are again sorted out by hand in an extremely laborious process and what remains is a wonderfully flowery jasmine scent. White Silver Needle is in itself a very sought-after tea - and accordingly even rarer from certified organic cultivation. We are fortunate to have long-standing relationships with our partners in China, so that we can offer this rarity at all.
White teas should be brewed at a water temperature of 80-85°C (let the water stand in the kettle for about one minute after boiling).