chanoyu tea
chanoyu organic tea Wake Up N°37 (100g)
Product: ID122
chanoyu organic tea Wake Up N°37 (100g)
VAT included
VAT included
Buy chanoyu Organic Tea Wake Up N°37 (100g)
We drink morning tea for various reasons, first of all to quench our thirst, after a long Fasten time, the body needs hydration! Then to wake up, to strengthen body and mind to spend a good day, but not least for its subtle and delicious taste. To stay alert and full of energy at work or to relieve pressure at the end of the day, take a tea break. In the afternoon, a lack of energy can also be due to a slight lack of sugar, so don't hesitate to accompany your cup of tea with some cookies, dried fruit or nuts of any kind. An invigorating, energizing tea for the whole day !